Tim Joslin & Ray Bisson worked hard to fill both raised beds in the courtyard as well as change out the soil in the two flowers beds on the right side of the school building.
Ms. Joslin, Traci Bisson and Mrs. Deely raked the soil into the beds, leveling it out. The soil will now be warmed with the assistance of black plastic. The planting will begin in mid-May.
Barrington Mulch & Flower delivering super loam for the raised beds. |
Tim Joslin and Ray Bisson filling the flower beds with new soil. |
Ray Bisson putting the soil in a raised bed. |
(L to R) Mrs. Deely & Kristin Joslin raking the soil. |
(L to R) Mrs. Deely, Traci Bisson & Kristin Joslin |